Ma suna ieri un prieten:
- Salut, ce mai faci?
- Bine, bine. De fapt, uite ca ma stresez cu o fata pe nume Anca. Nu-i asa ca-i un nume foarte frumos?
- Ok. Te las. Salut!
Nu stiu ce a inteles prietenul meu, dar intr-adevar a fost o zi stresanta. Noroc ca, din cand in cand, mai aruncam ochii pe email. De multa vreme sunt imun la mesajele critice sau la cele laudative, dar trebuie sa recunosc ca anumite mesaje ma bucura. Mai ales cand mesajele provin de la fete.
"My name is ……… Swedish by origin, but consider myself as a citizen of the world.
I came back from Romania in September with your book Flashbacks in my bag, and I just loved your photographical eye !!! There was also something you said about you in a way trying to understand Romania and its people by the lenses. As I translated in.
I'm going to Bucharest again ……….. of November and would love to meet up and hear you talk about the book and most importantly: what's behind the book, the recent history of Romania and the people. I have this drive inside me trying to understand how growing up in a society like Romania was before, and then the freedom comes, and then the re-built of the country."
Si un alt mesaj din indepartatul Hawaii:
"Dear Mr. Andreescu,
I have just received your book, Romania, a photographic memoir as a gift from friends who live in Sighisoara. What a beautiful piece of work you have made! I enjoyed my first trip there four years ago, and after browsing the beautiful images and text, am certainly looking forward to another trip in the future.
All the best,"

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