joi, 16 iunie 2016

"Meserie naturala" in Albania

Relatam zilele trecute despre proiectia filmului documentar "Meserie naturala" in Scotia, dar si in Bosnia-Hertegovina la inceputul acestei luni.
Tocmai am primit vestea ca va fi proiectat si in Albania in cadrul festivalului Balkan Film Food Festival la inceputul lunii august.
Citez de pe siteul festivalului:
"The Balkan Film Food Festival is not a festival only about Food and Culinary. The Balkan Film Food Festival is about Balkan Film Production. The Festival intent is to create a climate of understanding of friendship and collaborations among Balkan countries. All guests sit on a common table and taste our common Balkan culinary drink the same wine.
This Balkan Festival is a good chance to get acquainted with the best cinema achievements of recent times.
We are 60 million Balkan people and still we don’t know one another well enough.
An exchange of experiences could be part of meetings and debate among filmmakers during the festival days.
Cuisine is part of this event and it aims at having better friendly contacts among the participants.
This festival could also be a start for possible co-productions between Albania and other Balkan countries, as it recently was between Greece and Turkey"

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